Food For All Anti Poverty Week Food Drive 14th- 25th October
The Swan Hill community is experiencing an increase in food insecurity. A recent Food and Farming Survey in Swan Hill found that people have been buying less food and having smaller, or skipping meals, to adapt to rising food and living costs. The Swan Hill Food Hub opened in 2022 and now consists of 17 member agencies accessing food relief for their clients. Since opening the Swan Hill Food Hub has been accessed over 800 times, helping over 6500 people with food relief. During Anti-Poverty week 2024 the Swan Hill Food Hub is conducting a Food Drive to help our community with much needed food relief. Community groups and organisations can become collection points for their members/staff to donate non perishable food items. Community drop off points will also be established in Swan Hill for individuals to donate too.
Suggested food items that can be donated:
Tinned vegetables
Tinned fruit
Spreads such as Vegemite, peanut butter and jam
Tinned baked beans & spaghetti
Long life milk
Pasta sauce
Tinned tuna
Lunchbox snack foods
Any other non-perishable items
Community Drop of locations:
Coles Supermarket
Community Health, 125 Campbell Street, Swan Hill
Ray White Swan Hill, 199 Campbell Street, Swan Hill
Swan Hill Regional Library, 53-67 Campbell St, Swan Hill
Mallee Family Care, 229 Beveridge Street, Swan Hill
Swan Hill Woolworths, Beveridge Street, Swan Hill
How Community Groups and organisations can get involved:
Fill out expression of interest form on the Food For All Swan Hill website.
Food For All will be in contact to provide your business with information and posters to promote the Food Drive.
Food For All will liaise with organisations for collection of donations at the conclusion of the Food Drive.
If your organisation or community group is interested in participating in the Food Drive please fill in the form below: